A love story...

So, I'm sure just about every girl out there is a sucker for a good love story. Eh? Wow, I really just said eh. Oh my! Anyway... I saw at another blog where they were featuring love stories from their favorite bloggers. Well I'm going to just take a minute right now to tell my own (well actually it's my parent's... but I'm telling it).
    His family had fifteen children, hers only six. He had nine sisters, she had five. They both grew up a mile away from each other, both attended the same elementary school and the same church. One catch though, he was ten years older. They never officially met until his brother's wedding where she pretended to be a wedding crasher even though she knew the bride. They dated for a few years, then decided to see different people. They both became involved in relationships, both became engaged, and both ended. Ten years later they met back up and he proposed. And now they're happily married with two daughters.
Okay, I know, I know. It's not very relevant, but I'm in more a lovey-dovey mood than a crafty one so you can deal with it for today.
Here's a shot I took of my mom's engagement ring and wedding ring at the spot he proposed. I love the contrast of her red coat on the sky.  It really is an awkward angle though....

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