Picture of Paper

I don't really know how to describe this...but I LOVE it. It's simple and it can be applied to SO many circumstances it's not even funny. I could have titled this "Taking a picture of a piece of paper and adding writing to it on the computer." But hey, that's too long.

        I simply took a piece of paper, ripped it up so it would look artsy, went outside (in my socks!) and then took a quick picture. I got this:
I uploaded it into Picnik. You can import photos to there from your computer, facebook, flickr, photobucket, or myspace. I LOVE picnik...
Anyway, I quickly googled some quotes and found a few I liked and wallah: 
"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."

"I am not afraid for tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and love today."

       I've seen quite a few bloggers do this for Christmas cards or valentines. Well, Mother's Day is coming up. Grandma could use a little lovin' huh?

Just wanted to share this idea since it seems to be the only creative thing I've done so far today. I made a few felt flowers yesterday. Tomorrow I might get around to posting pictures. Better start on that huge project due in less than three weeks...

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