Spring Fabric Bunting

        Woohoo. Now I can actually say SPRING without looking outside and dying a little inside. I found out the hard way that YES it is possible to tan and burn in 50 degree weather. Well, thankfully the burn has already turned into a tan. Sadly, it was only on one shoulder so I now have one very tan shoulder and another a dark shade of pale.
        Well, the other day at Diary of a Crafty Lady, I stumbled upon her Fabric Mini Bunting. I fell in love. I knew I wanted to make something similar. So I did. I came up with this:
 The only scraps I had were hot pink. It works, though. I can leave it up until my birthday party I guess.

My triangles were so tiny and the rope was so fat that I didn't bother wrapping the tops around the rope.

My camera (or probably the person holding the camera...) wasn't cooperating. Most pictures turned out like this.  Yuck.

 My sister came home with caterpillars from her "Butterfly kisses" themed daddy-daughter dance. The instruction sheet said 7-10 days in their caterpillar stage. Ha. It's been more like 2 weeks. Today, I woke up and one was already in it's chrysalis. The other is starting to form. Then I get to move them into a cardboard box as soon as that happens. Very exciting.
I think hatching chicks is much more rewarding. And I think it's probably faster than the rate that these guys are going at. Urghh. That makes me really want more chicks. We've always got chicks in the spring. This year were not because of my dad's new job. I'm the one who raises them so I don't see why not. Oh well. Shhh. I just like them because they're good photography subjects. 

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