Bye Bye Bathroom!

Our bathroom isn't going away. We're just redoing it and I need tips. I'm actually kind of embarrassed to share pictures... but here.... Please ignore the awkward angles. I was using the webcam on my computer because my camera is lost, my dad's camera is dead, and did I mention I had two sets of rechargeable batteries in my camera bag along with my camera? FML. Anyway...

The shower curtain has unicorns on it.

Please ignore the mess caused by two teenage girls sharing a bathroom.

Isn't she just so helpful?

What a lovely loon. 

Great wallpaper, huh?
What great reversed web cam pictures.

I seriously am currently loving brown and blue together.

I just don't know what I should paint what color. You know, like brown with a blue stripe or reverse. I would actually LOVE to do like a stenciled wall. I think blue walls with brown accents like towels and curtains would be nice.... but the stenciling is just so intriguing! 
I'd love to do something like this but possibly with brown instead of white. I really like this blue color. 
At the check out at some store, we found a gorgeous painting of a blue and brown bathroom. We almost bought it. I'm totally kicking myself for not doing so but we weren't totally sure about redoing the bathroom then. Although, from the crappy pictures above, you can totally tell it needs it!

Any thoughts? We're planning on getting paint samples this week so I need to have a plan all worked out. Anyone ever used wall stencils before? How did it turn out?

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