Weekend Getaway!

Don't you just love those? We took to weekend off to see some friends up North at their beach house on  gorgeous Lake Michigan.
Our car ride was filled with lots of this...
Even some body art...
I even participated...

 We got held up in some lovely traffic...
 We did a little of this...
 Don't you love being all packed into the car?
 Ahhh. It was a perfect day to travel....
 We had some road snacks which were later substituted for brownies.

 We hurriedly ditched the body art 
Right after dinner (and dessert of course) we dove right in. Sort of. 

 We looked at the rocks...
 And dug our toes into the sand...
Even the view out the front of the beach house was spectacular...
My mom decided this is why she had children... to carry stuff.

 After many boat troubles, we finally went for a boat ride! In a different lake of course.

We then went swimming...
 and enjoyed some refreshments...
When we got back we were angered to see 15+ cars right by our cottage. Our normally barren beach was crowded. 
Someone decided to go wading... in their clothes.
We then sat, ate, and enjoyed the sunset....

Those cheeks!
We even went for yet another dip... in the hot tub this time, though.
We even flew through the air in princess attire...

 And enjoyed the sun set one last time...

 We even practiced rolling our eyes. That'll come in handy a few years down the line.
In the morning, we made a sandcastle...
And then it was time for the princess to go...
We dropped my sister off at camp and we enjoyed the lovely 4 hour car ride home in peace and quiet not associated with siblings and fighting which happened the way up. Ahhh. 

Tomorrow I get to enjoy day camp. My mom signed me up because I wasn't social enough. Now going to day camp is keeping me from being social. *Sigh*

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