Great start to a vacation? No.

        I started out my vacation pretty well-ish.  Well, actually no. I didn't, I almost cried when I said goodbye to my mom at security but that was nothing. It was mainly because I was so excited to leave her. She was just being really annoying.
        I had three different flights and two layovers. On my second flight I discovered I lost my camera. It was horrible. And guess what? I didn't have my name anywhere on it. Yes, I do admit that my mom recommended I put my name on it more than once.... But.... I didn't. We reported it so hopefully it gets found.
        When I got there, I was doing okay. Then I got a wonderful call that my dad had had surgery that day to scrape out an infection in his knee. This was Friday and today is Sunday. I haven't talked to him at all. The only details that I got was that he wasn't coming home that weekend and was staying at a hospital somewhere near his out of state job. This was all informed to me by a sarcastic 10 year old.
        It gets better. Don't worry! I got sick. It wasn't too bad but when you're around a 3 year old, a 2 year old, and a 6 week old, the last thing you want to do is get them sick. Thankfully, when I woke up this morning, I was all better.
        I will end this post on a picture-less note in honor of my lost camera. R.I.P.

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