Shirt Dress Reveal

Okay, so this post is kind of late. Three weeks ago I gave the Shirt Dresses I made to the little girls I'm staying with. One week ago I took pictures of them. Last night we finally got the pictures onto the computer. Phew. Took us long enough! And here they are:

As you see, they proceeded to let their princesses go for a swim. They then followed them into the pool. Half soaked, they finally stripped their dressed off and went for a swim which is where I stopped taking pictures.

Just a tip, remember that shoulders are often wider than hips. That mean you'll either need to make the waist band bigger and add elastic or have them step into the dress. Thankfully the dresses fit with a little tugging over the younger ones diaper.

You can find a tutorial for this dress at MADE.
Now if you even just KNOW a little girl, make them a dress! They're SO simple especially with the above tutorial. It even gets easier the more you make.
I'm going to finish up before my laptop dies.

Happy dressmaking :)

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