The fat redistribution after 25 years

At the age of 20 years, the female body contains more than 26% fat . For 30- Ti – 40 years in the amount of fat increases to 33% , and a 50- Ti – 40%. Excess body fat is redistributed in the body depending on the age, and the lead role in the regulation of this redistribution belongs to female hormones – estrogens . In the thirty and forty years, adipose tissue accumulates in the buttocks and thighsAfter fifty – in the waist . If the age of sixty weight continuously increases, the figure takes the form of a pear. When diet and exercise are powerless , comes to help cosmetic and plastic surgery . In some cases, a good result gives cosmetic liposuction ( vacuum or ultrasound ) in combination with the removal of dermal- fat flap (plastic lipectomy ), and cost of liposuction thus can be reduced .

Age-related changes of skin

With age, decreasing the proportion of body fat and increases the number of internal. Therefore fat is deposited in the abdominal cavity. Plumper breasts and abdomen . The figure of the form ” hourglass ” into a ” pitcher “. The deposits under the skin of the cheeks are redistributed to lower face . The cheeks are no longer rounded cheekbones stand out . On the chin and neck folds appear , sometimes forms a double chin.

In order for body to retain the ideal proportions, women need to spend a lot of energy . After all the forms of influence and heredity , and the willingness to engage in physical exercise, and deferred delivery , and diet, and even social status . After the birth of each child’s body weight increased by 4,5-9 kg . Fat is usually split folds , but sometimes the roughness, different -sized ” bumps and lumps because of cellulite. With age, fat in the subcutaneous layer becomes more friable . The development of cellulite can be suspended, Observing a diet , exercising physically ( elementary stamping their feet and slapping on the thighs ) , but in small cells ( grid) of the connective tissue fat stored.

Plastic surgery and liposuction

Plastic surgery allows most quickly get rid of excess fat. But you need to know that the skin on the body a little thinner than on the face and restores it longer , her scars are more likely to be masked by the natural folds of the body . After surgery , the recovery period may have to wear a bandage or elastic compression garment – this will cause some discomfort . Liposuction with the help of cosmetic surgery less traumatic liposuction . But it is not carried out to reduce weight or getting rid of cellulite , but to correction .

The ideal women ‘s body the boy gone. Today beautiful figure – is the optimal completeness, accentuated with stylish clothes . Sexy woman – a woman with full breasts and nice hips. Remember that the shape of the figure and slim the body can be corrected by regular gymnastic and swimming .

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