How to Use Cruise Control

The automobile industry, keeps on inventing different systems in order to provide comfort and safety to the drivers. While driving on a long stretch of a highway for hours, it is quite possible that you legs, because of the efforts of maintaining continuous pressure on gas, may start to pain. In order to prevent this problem, cars manufactured today are incorporated with an amazing technology known as 'cruise control'. In the following, we are going to discuss about this technology and how to use it effectively.

Cruise control is an impressive technology that gives a driver the freedom to drive the car at a steady speed, without the need of having to keep steady pressure on the gas pedal. The technology is also referred to as speed control, autocruise and by various other names given by car brands. When the driver needs the car to move at a constant speed, he takes the car to a speed he wants to set, and engages the cruise control function. The system can be controlled with buttons. This is when the system takes over the throttle control, resulting in the speed being constant. After the cruise control has maintained the speed, the driver will not have to keep the gas pedal pressed. This is mostly done when the person needs to drive on a straight long highway for a while. Also remember that cruise control will not work if the speed you are driving at is below 25 mph. Let us have a look at how to use a standard cruise control.

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