School. Sleep. and Repeat.

I really should be writing my essay. It's not due until Monday so I still have time. Gosh this past half of a week has been exhausting.
 Wednesday: School Orientation, Cheer Pictures, and our First game which ended up being delayed twice after the first quarter due to lightening and then finally canceled. We just sat in the Gym playing games with the other team's cheerleaders for that hour.

Thursday: School. Cheer. Food. Homework. Shower. Bed.

Friday: School. Was given pounds and pounds of homework. Gymnastics. Got tons of rug burns. Got my round-off tuck. Homework. Bed.

Saturday: Homework. Gymnastics. Got more rug burns. Attempted my round-off tuck with no spotter standing there. Did fine. Rolled my ankle doing a stupid drill. Put goo on my rug burns. Shower. Party. Shopping. Attempt at an essay.

During our whole "shopping extravaganza" which really was just getting a few last minute school supplies, I got these babies:
I already had the first ones. I love them but I'm so not excited to tape them for the next 6 weeks during every cheer/gymnastics practice. Urg.


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