Dry Vagina Syndrome Causes and Treatment

Women experience dry vagina syndrome when there is inadequate natural lubricant in the vagina. Older women who are 40 to 59 years old and are going through menopausal stages usually experience this. Some women who also have diabetes have this problem, but usually once diabetes is treated, the dryness of the vagina also goes away. The most common causes of this are the use of toiletries and bathroom products with chemicals that dry and irritate the vagina. Some perfumes and dyes also have this effect.

When women reach the perimenopausal stage, their vagina's walls become thinner and produce less and less secretions that make it dry. The vagina also does not lubricate naturally even during sexual arousal. As women grow older, the production of estrogen in their body decreases and it makes the vagina less acidic and lubricated, and this becomes the cause of many infections such as yeast. A good four million women in the United States have the Dry Vagina Syndrome, but one should know that this is not life threatening, but is quite an annoying problem to have.

The secretions play an important role in keeping the vagina healthy and protected against bacterial infection and allergies. This happens when there is not enough lubrication and antibodies to coat the vagina to protect it from bacteria. The vaginal secretions also include prostaglandin, histamine, and leukotrienes which helps soothe and prevent inflammation.

Having a dry vagina syndrome would mean that the body is producing less immunoglobulin in the secretions. This makes develop antibodies that work against the important immune proteins that protect the vagina that leads to inflammation. The exact cause of dry vagina is actually unknown but is only attributed to the aforementioned causes. Hereditary factor is also being considered.

One of the treatments that is used to combat dryness of the vagina is the application cytokines topically to help rebuild the thickness of the mucosal membranes of the vagina. This will also help in increasing the secretions produced by the body to lubricate naturally. If you are reacting from a cause of allergy, you have to find out where it is coming from by investigating the items that you use daily, especially toiletries and laundry. Make sure that you use soap that is hypoallergenic and does not use any fragrances or dyes to it and is pH-balanced. Dry vagina syndrome can be easily combated by doing these procedures and by disciplining yourself to regularly hydrate yourself daily with ten eight ounce glasses of water.

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