Formal Business Report Topics

Business world is diversified into innumerable sectors. Be it accounts, finance, marketing, advertising, logistics, management, human resource, IT or operations - each of these departments have tremendous potential to grow. Business report topics can be concerned to problems or innovations pertaining to any segment of the business world. Have a look.

You are a business analyst of company that is a globally renowned steel manufacturing firm. As a part of its expansion plans, it is considering to invest in third world countries and provide employment to millions of people who are still out of the general economic structure of the world. Suggest business threats and benefits for your company and explain how globalization is impacting the inclusion of third world countries with the developed and developing countries.

Your firm is a leading web based company in terms of website traffic. Discuss how can marketing and advertising on social media help to improve its customer base. Discuss the methods that will be most profitable in the long run.

You are an investment banker in a leading US bank. The company plans to open its new branch in an Asian country. You as an Asian has been chosen to analyze how other banks have been performing in that country. You are also expected to give a detailed account of competition and opportunities in the same country.

You are a newly recruited IT manager cum analyst in a bank. The bank has decided to go digital in all its business aspect. You have to design an adequate plan for the shift from manual to digital. You are expected to include all details in the report as to how it will be done. Internet security is the major concern of the firm.

The world is going paranoid about the fact that PC will be obsolete within four to five years. Smartphones will rule the market in the coming years. As a strategist for a desktop manufacturing company, analyze market opportunities in the coming years. Suggest strategies to stay competitive in this domain of business. Separate facts from myths by stating as why the PCs are going to stay for long, even if smartphones are the latest trends.

You are an MBA student majoring in information technology management from an elite B-School. As a competition in an international business seminar, you have been asked to prepare a business report regarding cloud computing.

Almost all companies are willing to include employees at all levels in the decision making process of management teams. You are expected to analyze what can be some of the most suitable methods to do this. Based on your analysis, suggest the best method.

A 15 year old FMCG company is planning to choose a new logo for its business. As a brand manager, suggest some best logos and analyze how it will represent the changed identity of the company in today's world. Discuss all facets of the logo change, right from budgeting to how it may impact the growth of the company.

The wellness industry is booming in the Asian countries. You, along with your 2 friends are willing to make an entry in the spa business. All three of you hold a management degree in hospitality management. Prepare a report to analyze all dimensions associated to the industry.

You are an HR manager of a small business company, employing 50 to 60 people. While the business has been growing consistently, the issue of employee retention has been a cause of concern. Analyze some ways to retain employees and suggest some tips to the management for improving employee satisfaction.

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