Health Benefits of Molasses

A lot of us consider ourselves fans of sweet foods. Eating candies and/or desserts is actually one of the things that most of us cannot resist. However, having too much sweet foods in the diet can cause us different health problems. Some of these conditions include diabetes, which is a type of endocrine disorder the affects the maintenance of normal sugar level in the blood. Because of this, the consumption of sugar and other sweet foods must be properly regulated or modulated. Fortunately, there are also sweeteners that are considered healthy by a lot of nutritionists. Aside from this, they are also good sources for many types of vitamins and minerals. One of the most common healthy sweeteners is none other than the molasses. But what is molasses and what are the different health benefits of molasses?

What is Molasses?

Molasses are described as a thick and dark substance that is produced when sugar is boiled into its crystalline form. Although the regular molasses contain the same caloric value as of sugar, many still prefer using this type of sweetener due to its robust flavor. Molasses is a very popular ingredient in many baking recipes such as cookies and other pastries. There are actually several types or varieties of molasses; however, the blackstrap molasses is considered the one with the most nutritional value. The difference between the regular molasses and the blackstrap molasses is that the latter is produced after the third boiling of sugar. Nevertheless, both are still considered rich in benefits that can help boost the health in a number of different ways.

Health Information about Molasses

Molasses is considered a very good source of iron, copper, manganese and calcium. Aside from these, molasses are also rich in potassium and magnesium, which are all recognized as vital minerals for the body. Another significant benefit of including molasses in our recipes is that it can be good for anemic patients. A consumption of a tablespoon of molasses every day can help replenish all the iron stores in the body thus helping correct anemia. This increase in iron can also help boost the energy level of the body.

In addition to the wonderful effects of molasses in our blood, this sweet substance can also help supply calcium in the body, which is very useful not just for our bones but as well as in aiding our muscles to work or contract properly. Because of this side effect, the heart, which is also considered a muscle, is able to contract and pump blood normally. Different bone problems, which are very common among menopausal women, are also avoided or prevented. Aside from these, molasses can also help reduce or ease up the other menopausal symptoms in women. Menopause is actually a result from different conditions such as the deficiency in mineral salts in the body. With the intake or use of molasses, symptoms of menopause such as PMS, mood swings, cramping and hot flashes are reduced significantly. Other experts have even mentioned the health benefits of molasses in the reduction of the size of fibroid tumors.

Molasses is likewise a good healing agent. Studies have already showed that an intake of molasses cann help promote the healing of wounds faster. This also helps in the binding of toxins in the colon that aids in fighting the possibility of having colon cancer.

Other Facts about Molasses

Other advantages of using molasses is that it is beneficial in curing or preventing other types of health problems such as anxiety, pain in arthritis, constipation and heart palpitations. Aside from this, molasses can also play a huge role in the aesthetics of our body since it can help restore gray hair back to its natural dark color. This sweetener can also help improve the condition of patients with psoriasis, dermatitis, varicose veins, rheumatism and other forms of benign tumors. Several types of intestinal problems can also be relieved significantly with the use of molasses or the blackstrap molasses.

Considerations in Using Molasses

Although molasses contain a lot of health benefits such as those that are mentioned above, using this kind of sweetener must still be taken with consideration. Because molasses are also derived from sugar, this too must be used in moderation especially in patients suffering from diabetes and lupus. The consumption of molasses or the blackstrap molasses must always be under the supervision of health practitioners in order to avoid the occurrence of any health complications.

These are just some of the important facts and details with regards to the use and benefits of molasses in the body. Instead of using plain table sugar, we can substitute the use of molasses in order to provide more nutritional value in our food recipes. With the use of molasses, we can still enjoy sweetness, without the guilt or worries of having all the negative side effects of it in the body. Based on these facts, we can truly say that sweet food has never been this good!

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