How to Buy a Violin for Beginners - 3 Easy Steps

Finding out how to buy a violin for beginners does not need to be difficult but it can take time. The violin is a hard instrument to learn and play well and it can lead to many beginners giving up quickly, which is something that you have to think about before you decide to go out and buy your own instrument and opt to spend hundreds of dollars on one.

1. How Much Are You Willing To Spend?

The first thing that you need to consider when looking for how to buy a violin for beginners is your budget. You could spend around 800 dollars for a new, high quality violin but you do not need to spend this amount. It is possible to buy a second-hand violin for less than 200 dollars and this is something that you should consider if you are worried about your or the person that you are buying it for not staying on with playing the instrument.

2. Have You Checked eBay?

There are always people looking to sell their violins and eBay is one of the best places to find some that are high quality but low in price. You want to check the seller reviews before you agree to bid and you will need to stick to your budget because you will also need to consider any fixes that you may need to make.

3. What Size Do You Need?

Violins come in three different sizes, which is perfect for children. However, it could cost you a lot of money to buy the violins as your child grows. You should consider cutting your cost down to only buying a full size violin if you know that you child will continue to play for a long time. If you are unsure, opt for the half or three-quarter size so that you really only need to buy two different violins and your child will get a lot of use out of them.

You will need to ensure that when looking for how to buy a violin for beginners that you budget for any extras that you will need. Not all violins will come with a case and a bow, so you should find out whether you will need to buy these. You will also need to bear in mind the need for rosin and extra strings for your musical instrument and add the cost of these to the amount of money that you are willing to spend.

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