Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Online Test

is defined as either the level of cognitive and/or emotional well being or the absence of a mental disorder or problem. It is also the expression of emotions and signifies a positive adaptation to a range of various demands. According to the World Health Organization or WHO, mental health is described as the state of well being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities and can cope with the normal stresses of life. He or she can also work productively and fruitfully and is also capable of contributing to his or her community. Nowadays, more and more people are suffering from mental disorders. What is even worse is that most of these disorders are still considered incurable or untreatable. Fortunately, there are already various ways for us to determine the state of our mental health. Some of these ways is through answering certain tests and examinations. A perfect example of this is called the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory or the MMPI. But how does an MMPI work and do we have a Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Online Test?

Uses of MMPI

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is considered one of the most frequently utilized and most reliable personality tests in mental health. The test is used by trained professionals in order to provide assistance in the identification of the personality structure and psychopathology. This particular test was first developed in the late 1930’s by a known psychologist in the name of Strake R. Hathaway and psychiatrist J.C. McKinley at the University of Minnesota. These days, the MMPI is considered as one of the most researched psychological tests in existence. Although the MMPI is not considered 100 percent accurate, it is still recognized as a very valuable tool in diagnosing and as well as treating different kinds of mental illnesses. This is even used in many legal cases such as in criminal defense and in custody disputes. In addition to these, the MMPI is also used as a screening instrument for particular or certain professions, especially those that are considered high risk. This test can allow an insight on our personality strengths and weaknesses. This likewise suggests the kind of hypnotherapy sessions that we can purchase.

What is the MMPI-2?

The MMPI2 is a revised edition of the test which was released in the year 1989. This however, received another revision in the year 2001; however, the same name is still used in clinical assessments (MMPI-2). The MMPI-2 test contains 567 test items and can take approximately 60 to 90 minutes to complete. This examination should be administered, scored and interpreted by a registered professional preferably a clinical psychologist or psychiatrists that are trained in the use of the MMPI. The MMPI must also be used in collaboration with the other types of mental health assessment tools. This is because the diagnosis of a certain mental health problem should never be relied on the results of the MMPI alone. This particular test can be administered individually or even in groups. The MMPI test is now also available in the computerized or online version.

Considerations in Taking the Test

There are also different considerations in taking the MMPI test. The examinee must be at least 18 years of age or older. The test is scored by computer; however, the results acquired from the online test are used for self awareness and sometimes for entertainment purposes only. Aside from this, the result analysis will not be compared to the interpretations of a qualified mental health professional. Once the test is complete, the results can be determined or can be compared to a standard scale that shows the characteristics of the typical high scorers, moderate scorers and low scorers. Below is the MMPI-2 Names of the Clinical Scale Correlates.

Scale 1: Hypochondriasis

Scale 2: Depression

Scale 3: Hysteria

Scale 4: Psychopathic Deviate

Scale 5: Masculinity-Femininity

Scale 6: Paranoia

Scale 7: Psychasthenia

Scale 8: Schizophrenia

Scale 9: Hypomania

Scale 0: Social Introversion

Each scale can show different scores and results. An interpretation for each score will show the weakness and strength in the different areas of this scale. There are already free MMPI-2 tests available in the internet. These can be answered and can be interpreted immediately by the computer in order to see an assessment or an overview of our present mental health condition. For a free online test, we can go to this link http://www.mindfithypnosis.com/articles/mmpr2-online-test.shtml and start answering the 567 true or false questions. Unlike other mental health tests or examinations, the MMPI is proven to be fast and also reliable.

These are just some of the important details with regards the uses and the description of the mental health test called the MMPI or the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.

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