Take The First Step

Hello Everyone, I hope you are doing well.

I was listening to a motivational call today and part of it stuck out to me and I wanted to mention it to you. The speaker was talking about taking steps to build your business. It made me think about the movie "What About Bob" with Bill Murray. If you have seen it then you will understand why it came to mind.

It is about a man who is scared to leave his apartment and he has to talk himself into just getting up the courage to walk out the door. He sees a psychiatrist who has written a book called" Baby Steps".

This is what I was thinking of this morning and what I wanted to share with you. The baby steps could just as easily apply to network marketers who are afraid to try something new or are paralyzed into not doing anything.

There is a beginning to everything and you have to start somewhere. So the best thing for you to do is to start with baby steps and get something out there. Write a blog post. Write an article, make a video, send out a tweet. Anything to get yourself going. Once you get going you will find a groove and continue to produce.

This is the way everyone gets started. None of the people who are leaders now started off as leaders. They started just as everyone else. Their mindset was that of leaders,and that is where yours needs to be also, but they did not have a body of work when they started. They all had to create their first article, video, blog etc.

Somewhere in the digital archives is Mike Dillards first article or video. Do you think he was as polished as he is now? No way. He started just like we all start. You have to take one step at a time.

Take that first step and create that first piece of content. That is the start and you will find that as you create more it will become easier and actually more fun also. Once you get started and take that first step you will find that it is hard to not take that next step and the next step.

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