What are the Health Dangers of Microwaves?

With the advancement of technology, many gadgets and appliances are already invented in order to aid in making life easier to live. However, harm could also be brought about by the constant and/or improper use of these products of technology. One of these products that are known to possibly cause hazards or danger in man’s life is none other than the microwaves. We all know that microwaves are common kitchen appliances that are already found in almost all the households across the globe. But what are the health dangers of microwaves?

How safe are microwaves?

Microwaves are types of ovens that can be seen in over 90% of all American homes. Microwaves became a popular choice of appliance for cooking since it can prepare and/or reheat food in a jiffy, which is very suitable in today’s fast paced environment. Because of this benefit, microwaves have already replaced some of the conventional ovens and stove-tops in cooking meals and other dishes. Nevertheless, despite the wonderful benefits of microwaves in cooking, the safety in using these items has been in question for quite some time now. Studies that test the safety of microwaves have concluded the presence of radiation dangers associated with the use of these items. Because of this, governments in some countries do not recommend the use of these kitchen appliances.

What are the cons of using Microwaves?

Nowadays, pediatricians are said to be against the use of microwave in heating the babies’ formula. According to studies, microwaves are capable of killing what is good in the milk. This leaves a useless or ineffective formula for the babies. The heat produced by microwaves are said to be uncontrollable, which can also cause burns in babies. Because of this, foods aside from baby’s milk are also possible to have the same effects or reactions to microwave use. Aside from these, most hospital warm the blood before delivering them through IV infusion. However, hospital never use microwaves in warming the blood since all the things that are heated by microwaves are end up killed. Because of this, RBCs and other blood components can end up dead once the bag is warmed using the said type of oven.

To put things in a clearer perspective, these microwaves don’t work differently on different types of substances. This means that whatever is placed inside the microwave oven will receive the same type of destructive process. The microwaves basically promote agitation in molecules causing it to move faster and faster. Because of this speed in movement, the molecules can cause friction, which can denature the healthy or the original make-up of the substance. This causes the natural nutrients (vitamins and minerals) found in the food or items that is heated to be destroyed. This likewise generates a new type of substances known as the radiolytic compounds, which are not seen in nature.

Should we Ban Microwaves?

Because of the rising facts and details that support the hazards these microwaves can bring to our health, many countries have already banned the use of these appliances. Russia is one of the countries that have already banned the use of the microwaves. Some Russian scientists have observed through one of their studies on microwave use that the creation of cancer-causing agents is present which increases the chances of malignant cell development and decreases the nutritional value of food.

Aside from these negative effects, the use of microwave radiation can also lead to other variety of health problems in humans. Some of these negative outcomes include the following:

Transforms Minerals to Cancerous Agents – foods that are used with microwave heating can increase the chances of causing tumors in the stomach or the intestine. This can be one of the reasons why the number of cases of colon cancer in American has increased significantly in the past few years. Constant eating of foods used with microwave can also increase the cancerous cells in human blood.

Decreases Immune System Function – eating microwaves foods can also affect the strength of the immune system. Because of the decrease in nutritional value in food, the immune system an no longer acquire adequate nutrients in order to boost the defenses of the body. This can lead to the occurrence of many diseases and health problems.

Increases Mental Danger – A steady diet of microwave-cooked foods can also affect the mental capacity or ability of the person. This can lead to the loss of memory as well as the occurrence of emotional problems and decrease in intelligence.

Affects Hormone Production – another harmful effect of using microwaves is that it causes the body to stop the production of necessary and essential hormones in the body. Because of this, hormonal imbalance can be experienced.

These are just some of the possible health dangers that can happen to our health through the consumption of microwave-cooked foods. Knowing these things can definitely warn us about the possible side effects of using microwave ovens. Now it is up to us to decide and be cautious with the utilization of this particular kitchen appliance.

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