Networking and The Golf Game

Networking is progressively becoming more universal and not just limited to formal business settings. People are networking in restaurants, outside of the office and even on the golf course. A golf game, whether nine or eighteen holes, is an ideal activity for making connections and building quality relationships. The three to five hours spent on the course can be a determining factor in sealing a deal, creating a venture or just strengthening ties. The principal focus is to make sure that the individual understands the game and uses networking to promote their agenda.

Listed below are tips for creating a winning situation at your next golf encounter.

Golf Etiquette

Before you hit the greens, brush up on your golf etiquette. Choose to seek professional assistance or use resources to be acquainted with the rules. It is vital, not only to know the rules of the game but to make sure that you adhere to the proper ways of playing golf. It is essential to pay attention to verbal and non-verbal mannerisms. Individuals might be more offended in your attitude or behavior rather than your actual golf game. Gage the seriousness of your golfing partners and follow the cues. It is also a good idea to schedule a practice game with a friend or colleague before the actual golf game.

Along with golf etiquette, it is important to use the proper equipment and dress appropriately for the game. It is strongly suggested to visit the website or call the golf venue ahead of time. Be aware of their rules and specific regulations as these vary from golf course to golf course. Identify the professional and social climate of the venue and prepare accordingly. This tactic can be extremely beneficial during the golf game.

Networking Up to Par

While playing golf, focus on specific topics of conversation. You can learn a lot about a person within those couple of hours. Concentrate on a particular area of business or social matters. As you are playing take notice of the other person's behavior and attitude towards the conversation. Find ways to make key connections and establish common ground. Ask questions which are relevant and do not disturb the flow of the game. Offer information that would be helpful in cross networking. Information which can be beneficial includes similar colleagues or partners, similar networking organizations or similar projects or ventures. The key is to show an interest in your counterpart and gain their trust.

Follow Up

The networking is not over just because the golf game is finished. Agree to follow up at a later time to further connect. Send a thank you card or phone call expressing a genuine gratitude and appreciation for time spent. Offer to meet up in the office, for a breakfast or lunch. The follow up is very important because it creates a space for accountability and credibility. It enhances the professionalism and improves the image of that individual.

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