The Networking Budget

Networking has many benefits for individuals, companies and organizations. It is a universal tool for business development and social success. In order to create a healthy lifestyle for networking, it is important to create a workable networking budget. A budget can be the perfect way to monitor the pros and cons of an individual or company's networking methods. It can also help in discerning the proper events to attend or groups to join. Having a networking budget can speed up the process for reaching goals and measuring success.

Listed below are tips for providing resources and capital for your networking endeavors.

Spread Sheet

Create a spread sheet which highlights all the networking financial activities. The spread sheet can include a projected budget for networking activities for several years. In the spread sheet, include the increase in finances from projected sales or possible ventures from specific activities. This is key in determining profitable partnerships and investments. Also, make note of possible networking financial loses or debts. Be able to identify areas where deficits can arise.


There are ways to gain support in your business and social endeavors. Not all of the networking dollars have to come out of your pocket. You can devise a sponsorship package and solicit partners to fund your ambitions. In these packages, highlight the specific benefits which are valuable to that particular sponsor. Include various sponsorship levels for a diverse and flexible pool of supporters. Keep these individuals and companies up to date on your progress and advancement. Another good idea is to make posts on social media outlets or announce important events in newsletters. You can also stay connected with personal calls or office visits. Your consistency may also encourage sponsors to increase their giving and support.

Trade Off

Sharing or bartering resources can be a good strategy for developing a sound budget. The exchange should be of value to both participating parties. This may involve creative proposals or methods of doing business. It can also be a good way of diversifying your network and establishing new partnerships. The relevant piece in this equation is to select individuals or organizations which can enhance your efforts. Choose groups or affiliations from various industries to broaden the scope of business. Consider joining a professional and formal bartering organization. These groups have a structure for matching individuals and organizations and tracking bartering activities to prohibit fraud or unethical conduct.

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